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What to Pack: All-Inclusive Resort Edition

By booking a vacation to an all-inclusive resort, a lot of the planning is done for you. All your options for swimming, eating, drinking, dancing, and relaxing are all located on site. The toughest decision you have to make is deciding where to eat each day. Glorious, isn’t it?

In order to keep your vacation as relaxed as possible, proper planning and packing before you leave is key.

Before I leave for any type of all-inclusive vacation to a Caribbean locale, all of these items are packed in my suitcase:

1. Sunscreen, Aloe, hydrating lotion: I always pack extra sunscreen (I tend to over pack, but I usually bring 4-5 bottles for the week). How much you bring depends on how many people you’re packing for, how long you are going for, etc. It’s cheaper to buy it in Canada and bring it with you than to run out while at the resort and have to buy it there. I also always pack aloe vera (incase of sunburn) and hydrating lotion (I put it on after every shower to try and prevent skin peeling).

*remember to pack these items in large ziplock bags in your suitcase so your clothes are protected in case a bottle breaks.

2. Medications: This is based on you and your needs. Always consult a doctor for specific medication questions. I try to be prepared for all possible vacation sickness scenarios.


- Diarrhea meds (Pepto-Bismol, Imodium, etc.)


-Hydrating Eye drops



3. Candy/gum: In between drinking and eating, I love to pass time chewing on candy and gum. Like most products, they charge a premium for these in resort stores, so by bringing some with you you’ll save money and ensure you get the treat you want.

4. Reading Material: If you like to lounge on the beach or poolside, a good book is a must! Over the years, I have started The Fifty Shades of Grey series, The Harry Potter series, and The Hunger Games Series while on vacation.

5.Bags: Like most travellers, I utilize my room safe for wallets, passports, travel documents, and electronics. Since I won’t need my wallet and ID while I’m by the pool, that stays locked in my safe. Therefore, I bring 3 different bags with me to use while at the resort:

1) A small clutch to put in my ID, cash, room key, etc. for going out in the evenings.

2) A beach bag to carry sunscreen, book, hat, gum, etc.

3) A small pouch with a zipper (to put in the beach bag) to carry a small amount of cash and room keys to keep with us at the pool/beach. I take a small amount of cash with me each day and the rest stays locked in the safe. This not only ensures I stay on budget, but if the worst happens and I get robbed, they won’t get much cash and I’ll still be secure because they didn’t take all my money. I never carry a large amount of cash on me anywhere in a foreign country.

6. Cash: While your trip is already paid for before you arrive, you do want some cash on hand (in the currency used in that country) for tipping your waiter/waitress, housekeeping staff, to make small purchases in the resort stores, etc. I suggest making any large purchases (excursions, large shopping items) on a credit card so that you have proof of purchase incase it’s needed.

7. Sun hat, cover-ups: Whether you plan on spending your entire trip in the sun or lounging under an umbrella, it is important to bring a sun hat and a beach cover up with you to avoid unwanted exposure to the sun. There may be time when you can’t get an umbrella and have to sit exposed. Or if you do get a burn, it is important to keep it covered up after that. You will be happier (and less burnt) if you have cover up items with you!

This is simply a suggestion list. Everyone has their own preferences, but I hope this helps make your packing easier!

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